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Coumadin Users Can Avoid Unnecessary Complications by Wearing Identification

Posted on May 21, 2022 by Tracey Bankos
Coumadin (the brand for Warfarin) is really a medication which has offered protection from strokes, heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms other conditions caused by blood clots.Coumadin can be an anti-coagulant, or blood thinner, that really helps to avoid the formation of blood clots.People that have certain heart conditions or that are at the mercy of irregular blood clotting can benefit significantly from Coumadin...

Ultram Story: Keeping Pain Control Under Control

Posted on April 26, 2022 by Tracey Bankos
Many illnesses and conditions could make pain an everyday visitor, interfering with this jobs, family lives, even sleep.Even ancient people tried to alleviate the devastation of chronic pain using surgeries and medicinal herbs.By the 1800s, people started using narcotics (drugs like opium) to lessen pain.Even the narcotic heroin was originally developed as a pain medication! But many narcotics were found to be addictive, to hinder digestion and mood, and also to slow or stop breathing!Fortunately for all of us, modern research has uncovered safer pain-relief drugs for chronic conditions...

Causes and Types of Cerebral Palsy

Posted on March 11, 2022 by Tracey Bankos
In the case of Cerebral Palsy there is no one cause of this severe illness.There are many things that may increase the chance of this condition but won't cause cerebral palsy all the time.In the majority of cases and average of seventy percent, it results from brain injury before the child is even born this is known as congenital cerebral palsy this would be present from birth but may take months even years to diagnose depending on how severe it illness is...

Drug Interactions

Posted on February 21, 2022 by Tracey Bankos
Prescription drugs can save your life.But interactions between prescription drugs and other drugs or with illnesses or conditions you have can lead to significant consequences.Drug interactions may make your drug less effective, cause unexpected side effects, or increase the action of a particular medication.Some drug interactions can even be harmful to you.Here are several tips for restricting the possibility of experiencing these consequences:* Make certain that all your doctors know all the medications you are taking, including over-the-counter medication...

Study Confirms IBS Improvement

Posted on January 26, 2022 by Tracey Bankos
Irritable bowel syndrome is a debilitating and distressing condition, which affects 10-20% of the population.IBS is characterized by abdominal pain and altered bowel function such as constipation, diarrhea or alternating diarrhea and constipation.Some people have occasional symptoms, which can be aggravated by stress or food intolerances.Others experience crippling symptoms, and struggle to maintain their quality of life in the absence of any targeted, effective pharmaceutical treatments...