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Avoiding Allergy Medications With Children

Posted on July 22, 2023 by Tracey Bankos

A child with asthma and allergies might not understand that asthma and allergies may be the number #1 chronic childhood disease.

He also might not understand that asthma claims more lives each year despite the fact that more treatments can be found. It's true there are over 3 million more Americans with asthma than there have been 10 years ago.

Why the rise in asthma and allergies?

With today's busier society, our house-cleaning standard have plummeted. Our homes are tightly insulated and limit ventilation of household irritants such as for example mold, smoke and chemicals.

This all results in increased contact with allergens. And allergens will be the number one reason behind allergy and asthma attacks. Allergy medications are increasingly being used on a regular basis in an effort to control allergies & asthma. With children prevention of allergies is greater than taking allergy medications.

There are five simple items that can be achieved to reduce allergic reactions and possibly decrease the usage of allergy medications.

  • Never allow smoking in the house. Smoke will stay within an indoor environment for 10 years, while you can't see or smell it.
  • Shoes ought to be removed at the entranceway to avoid allergens from being earned on the shoes.
  • Use non-toxic cleaning products rather than store bought chemical brands. All cleaning products are eventually inhaled or absorbed in to the skin. You don't desire to clean with a good 'little bit' of poison?
  • Do not let pets in to the bedrooms. All pets have dander also it is definitely an allergen. Children spend around 8 hours in the bed room during the night. Keep it as allergy free as you possibly can.
  • Make sure humidity levels in the house don't review 45%. Humidifiers mounted on the furnace tend to be more reliable than freestanding ones. Humidifiers with damp filters inside them could be a mold breeding area.
  • It is essential to attempt to develop a clean healthy environment for the child so he is able to breathe easy without having to depend on allergy medications that may have negative unwanted effects.